A data frame with species and location information for the Peggy Mesa fire-history dataset (pgm).



A data.frame with 41 rows and 5 variables:

  • "TreeID": Name of tree series.

  • "SpeciesID": Abbreviated tree species.

  • "Latitude": latitude of tree in decimal degrees.

  • "Longitude": longitude of tree in decimal degrees.

  • "Elevation": tree elevation in meters.


Guiterman, Christopher H., Ellis Q. Margolis, and Thomas W. Swetnam. 2015. "Dendroecological Methods For Reconstructing High-Severity Fire In Pine-Oak Forests." Tree-Ring Research 71 (2): 67-77. doi:10.3959/1536-1098-71.2.67.

See also

  • pgm Peggy Mesa fire-history data.

  • pgm_pdsi PDSI time-series for Peggy Mesa site.